Contact us - CyberCrime Victims Union (CC-VU)

An official wing of International Security Association - ISA (Switzerland)
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Welcome to our "Contact us" page.
By using the Form below, you can send us a message and we will answer you ASAP.
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By clicking "I agree" and pressing "Send", you declare the following:

"By sending this message, I certify that all above mentioned details, especially about the purpose of my message and my profession, are real and true, without to target anything else than to receive or to provide help. In any other case, I must identify myself, and my real intentions and motives. If I don't do so, I declare that I know that this is against ethics of any research/reportage/investigation/other, and I know that I'm doing a false declaration and I know that the false declaration it is against the law in all countries around the world".

If your name it isn't real, then click in "I use a fake name/nickname". This is totally your right. In this case, we will answer you generally and also anonymously. If you click "I use my real details" (especially name, profession and purpose), you undertaking the risk to expose your name, your purpose and your profession to the public, if your purpose is to collect details about us. You can ask whatever you need and we will provide it to you. But you must do so clearly, and in a proper way.

For example, if you are a cybercriminal and you declare that you are victim, or journalist, etc., or if you are a "journalist" (journalist with "", means a cyberbully, because real journalists they call and they identify themselves) and you pretend the victim or else, then we will ask your prosecution for a false legal declaration.

So, no "stinky news" here. Here we help people and we do it for free. Not good to face problems from idiotic "journalists" who trying to create fake news. Not for CCVU.

Here we fight also "journalists", as we fight all predators, no matter if they are criminals, or "serious and respected people" or companies/authorities/other.
WE ARE only the good guys here. -

Created with love for the future generations
We (in)Form (for) a Better World
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