Cybercrime is a here to stay.
You do believe that cybercrime will target only others, until you realised that you lost countless hours of work, money, and soul. Cybercrime can take from you more than you believe, but...
CCVU is here to help you.
You are not alone, you are not the first or the last victim, IT'S NOT YOU stupid. IT'S THEM professionals and very well educated criminals.
We (IN)Form (FOR) a Better World
Join the Fight: CyberCrime Victims Union (CC-VU) - Protecting People, Empowering Change
Welcome to the CyberCrime Victims Union (CC-VU), the online hub for those affected by cybercrime.
We are a Swiss non-profit Association, known as the International Security Association - ISA.
Our main mission in ISA is to support research and science in the field of security, whether it's private security, national security or public safety.
At ISA, we understand the devastating impact cybercrime can have on individuals, businesses, and society as a whole.
That's why we're created CCVU to be dedicated to providing resources, support, and a platform for victims to share their experiences and find solace in a community that understands.
Join us in our fight against cybercrime and let's work together to create a safer digital world.
The Story Behind CCVU:
"Uniting Cybercrime Victims for Justice"
Will you like to know why we created CC-VU? For this, allow us to provide you a real story: Back in the year 2009, our President - and founder of CC-VU - witnessed the results of a very sad story. It was a story of a hardworking individual who fell victim to a cybercrime, losing not only their money but also their peace of mind. This incident sparked a fire within our President, compelling them to take action and create a platform where cybercrime victims can come together for support, guidance, and justice. Thus, CC-VU was born, with a mission to empower and unite those affected by cybercrime, and to fight against this growing threat in our digital world.
A story about a woman in her 30's who attempted to end her life but she saved few minutes before she dies from blood loss (she made two serious cuts of the veins of her both hands), because the man who met online really destroyed her life.
She met him online. Via one of these "online dating websites". She was amazed from the beauty of this man and his amazingly polite manners.
He was a good-looking man from Spain, who was doing business in Africa. He was luxury cars importer that he had a big car dealership company in an African country.
Even if she never had the chance to have a Skype call with him and see him and talk to him, they had endless chatting times together with him, every single evening. Their "online relationship", strangely lasted for many months (as usually these cases are over in less than two to three weeks). He never asks her any financial contribution until he make her trust him totally.
Even if she told him that she is willing to pay his tickets and come and visit her, he denied. He replied "No. I will never take money from the woman I love dearly! Soonest I finish my business, I will come and marry you".
This makes her believe that he is a real person who only wanted her love and not her money. But unfortunately for her, this was her biggest mistake.
He was a common criminal. Nobody knows is was a he or a she (many times the scammer is from the same gender, as people from same gender know better what a man or what a woman wants to hear). Every single minute he was building a net, like a poisonous spider.
Of course, he wasn't a Spanish businessman. He was a scammer who took from her all necessary information (about her financial status, her house ownership, etc.). He worked hard to win her trust, and when he succeeded he make her to take a loan from the Bank, by using her house (as this it was her only properly) and get an hypothecary credit. He didn't give a dime if he will destroy her life completely.
The excuse he used is "he wanted to pay the customs' cost of the last parcel of luxury cars he imported from Europe and USA and they were blocked in the customs, and soonest he do that he had clients ready to buy the cars and soonest he sells them, he was intended to go in France and live with her forever, returning her money back of course and pay back the Bank in order to not lose her house".
This was the story, that managed to make his victim to believe as a true story.
And, ohhh. He asked her to send the money in parts and soonest he took all the money (something around €70,000 to €100,000), he disappeared.
Then she realised that she and her 3 kids soon will be homeless in the streets, as the mortgage was so high that it was impossible for her to pay the Bank and save her house.
The poor woman contacted French Police in order to help her find the scammer and take her money back, but the Policeman told her that this is impossible.
Also, he told her that she was naive to believe that a relationship with an unknown person can be a serious relationship. But then, also the police officer, used this "naive" woman to "offer her his personal protection services" (because he make her worry for her life also, by "informing her" how "dangerous are these Nigerian criminals and they can come at any time in her city to kill her"), and in return he asked he to be her boyfriend, and give him some nice bed moments (she didn't have money to offer anymore, to anyone, anyway). So, he also took the advantage of this "naive", or extremely romantic and very lonely woman.
This situation created a big noise and soonest it became known she lost also her kids, as they took them from her, because of "this and that" reason.
Then, she attempted to finish her life and nobody knows if today she is still alive or finally she managed to give an end in her life who led her in her destruction. Today she isn't traceable in public media, as she learned the hard way, how dangerous place to be is the internet (at least this is what we hope to happen, as we hope for her to be alive and psychologically completely healthy).
Her parents put her in a psychiatric clinic for a half a year, as they've got scared about her self-destructive attitude. This makes her boss to fire her and she ended up to be jobless and soon also homeless.
What we've learned from this story? We've learned that probably the specific woman she was naive. That's true. But nothing it will happen, if i.e. French law enforcement had options to find and arrest the criminals abroad (for sure was a gang), or somehow her to recover her money. If the government isn't capable to protect their citizens,
This woman "met" this guy online, by using the Internet. The Internet which is a very dangerous place to be, if you don't have the necessary skills and knowledge.
As we all know, Internet created to cover military communication needs, but later they gave it to the public, for some reasons, that many of us we know very well.
What they didn't give, is protection. They created a communications' "highway" and they allowed people to use it, "without a driver's license".
And not only they didn't create a safe place for the people (because they wanted to be able to sneak inside people's lives, so how can they make something safe?), but they don't undertake the responsibility to recover the loses, people suffered and keep suffering, because of governmental ignorance, or intentional practice.
One year after, in the year 2010, CCVU created.
At the beginning we only worked in social media and truly we helped many people around the world to save themselves "the last moment".
Later, we worked also with the Security Teams of serious companies like Google, fighting copyright infringements, defamation cases, and many more.
Today we are targeting cyberbullies and we can proudly say that if CCVU was based in any other country except Switzerland, maybe today it didn't exist anymore. Not because Switzerland supports us, but because does not fight us. Cyberbullies aren't only private persons.
There are cases of cyberbullying from governmental employees/authorities, but thank God Switzerland is the most amazing place in the earth, in issues of human rights and freedom, known globally for its neutrality.
CCVU's mission it isn't to "take an advantage" of people's innocence, because they allowed themselves to be victims of criminals.
CCVU does not target to take money from anyone, and is doing what EVERY GOVERNMENT AROUND THE WORLD should do, but most they don't do so far:
CC-VU educates everyone and supports the victims
Internet it's a highway. Do you know how to drive? Do you know how to protect yourself?
Do you want to get a serious opinion about the fraud indications you have?
Do you want to be a one of us?
Do you want to know more about ISA?
Who/What is behind CCVU?
CCVU is you and me and behind CCVU is lots of pain and sometimes even victims' blood, as unfortunately there are countless victims who committed suicide. Cybercriminals (scammers, identity thieves, bullies, and many more) every single minute taking the advantage of a crooked internet, and attack anonymously to steal people's money, hopes and dreams. They know how to make you trust them. They know how to pretend they are in love with you and make you love them. They are irresistible. It is extremely difficult to not fall in their traps, because this is their -pretty well paid- "job".
We have statements of Law Enforcement Officers who almost fall in love with the criminals they were chasing by pretending their victims.
Millions of victims around the world losing billions of USD, every single year and if we don't do something, soon the loses will be irrevocable, for more and more people. So, think that this is not a personal issue. Cybercrime is worse than a cancer and we will not get rid of it "with Aspirins". We need new laws with non-affordable penalties, new law enforcement cyber-commandos, new international cyber-police force with international jurisdiction (by using the model of the Interpol), and a serious budget in every country to educate the people via TV ads and lectures. Also, we need a serious investment in time and money to spend in research and development or tracking back cybercriminals. Academia needs to support the law enforcement, as these criminals are between the most dangerous criminals. Let's arrest them and put them in small cells, next of murderers and rapists, because they are murderers when the lead people to suicide and they are rapists, when the rape the spirit and the soul of their victims, by playing "the loving bird" to lonely people who using internet to create an imaginary world, full of happy moments and love, because this is what they are missing the most in their real life.
Front of us we have predators. The cybercriminals. If you want to join us because you believe that we will stand between you and the criminals to protect you, you visited the wrong place, as this is not what we are intending to do. Between you and the criminals can be only your personal firewall. Your personal and self-made armor, which is called "human firewall". A wall of fire that will keep away every cybercriminal who is intended to harm you.
This wall is made out of knowledge that we will help you to get (completely for free) and if we succeed, then this can be the best way to protect yourself and teach your loved ones how to create their "human firewall" and protect themselves as well.
Don't be scared. We will not make you boring lessons that you need to read countless hours. You will watch our videos, that we made in a simple and daily language and not in a formal Academic way, as all must be able to understand completely what they must do and how to do it.
We are next to you, supporting you with knowledge and also we will try to make you psychologically strong again. Most of us, we had a bad experience.
So, don't believe that you are alone in this.
Many of us we lost money.
Many of us we lost our faith in people.
Many of us we lost lots of time, until we realized that we were victims and our scammer ...was a scammer who didn't love us, not even one bit.
But we are still here. Alive, strong and we have each other.
Now we know, that those who deserve our trust, are only those who we can see and talk. Are only those who DOESN'T ASK OUR MONEY, but only our time.
CCVU's only payment is the feeling of social contribution. Because not everything in this world can be counted in financial profit.
What is above CCVU, is ISA. Left and right of CCVU are all those who provide volunteering job in CCVU.
Next door people, psychologists, law enforcement officers and lawyers, Information Technology Engineers and IT Security Experts, are only few from the CCVU team in many countries around the world.
So, CCVU it is a crystal-clear social contribution movement. Nothing and no one are hidden in the dark, as we have a bright light in all our operations. CCVU it isn't a hidden business behind the mask of social contribution. CCVU does not have a Bank account, or a PayPal account, as we don't receive or give money at all.
CCVU is you and our power is the faith in the human race.
More? Click HERE
Be a CCVU Counter-Cybercrime Agent CCVU/CCA)
You can help from every country around the world, and in most of the cases, without to move from your home at all.
We need to make victims to be strong again. We give them courage and we convince them that maybe they are victims of the most profitable crime of the century (the cybercrime), but they are not the first and unfortunately not also the last ones.
Our Agents are learning about the methods criminals using and they teach people how to avoid their traps.
Also, they help people to recover psychologically, and mentally.
In many occasions, also they help to stop a crime, when in example they convince those they contact us to ask "if their issue created by a normal person or by a criminal" (as in many cases, victims they don't want to believe that soon they will be victims. They don't want to believe that they are dealing with criminals).
If you belong in any of the following categories, you are welcome to join CCVU:
1. You are what we call "a next door" citizen, who wants to spend some of his/her free time, in social contribution.
2. You are a psychologist, who wants to help victims recover psychologically, by making articles for CCVU, lectures in schools and in conferences, replying messages of victims who need your professional help to recover, etc.
3. You are a lawyer, who wants to help victims to recover their properties or their names (cases of cyberbullying and intentional defamation, etc.), to protect their copyrights or their spiritual property, and they need a support that they cannot afford to pay it, and many more.
4. You are a law Enforcement Officer/Agent, who wants to help people by sharing statistics, experiences, etc., and guide victims how to react, especially in an ongoing case, etc.
5. You are a pedopsychologist, who wants to teach the children in their school, about Internet and its safe use and about cybercrime, in a way that only pedopsychologists can approach children without to create more damage than good.
6. You are IT or IT Security specialist, who wants to teach people with simple words, how to be safe in Internet.
7. Your profession.
You have no commitments in the provision of work. You can help CCVU as much you wish/can. Instead to see a boring movie, you can spend 2 hours every 2 days, and help people who needs your help to keep going.
What we need from you only, is to be sure about who you really are. For this reason, we need to get your full details and we will check them. We hope you understand that we must be sure about you. We must be sure that we didn't ask "a wolf to protect the herd".
Also, you must know that the work of all of us is checked by other members of the team (our answers, etc.). Each one of us acts also as an "Internal Affairs Officer", as we must keep this place completely clean and safe and eliminate the smallest possibility to have between us a predator.

Working days and hours (time zone of Switzerland): +
- Calls will be recorded and tracked back for security reasons
- Calls from callers with hidden number will not be answered (if your long-distance call it isnt answered, probably you called non-working hours and days in the Swiss time-zone, or to our end your number shows "private". We don't answer calls with no caller's number. In such a case, send us a message.
- CCVU will NEVER ask you to pay anything. All our services provided for free. But, if you want the provision of services that we aren't able to provide you, and YOU request us to suggest you a company to do the job, we can do so, but also in this case, you will NOT pay anything to CCVU.